Family Photos
All sessions include:
high resolution private gallery of unlimited photos
& print store
all photos in color and b&w
Mini sessions are the perfect amount of time to capture that one great family photo
30 minutes
natural light studio (or at the 606 park next door May - October)
up to 5 family members*
unlimited studio selects gallery, up to 5 photographs chosen for touch ups
$325 inclusive
Check out this example session here
*add additional family members to mini sessions through the booking button below
Classics sessions are just right for a bunch of candid and classic family photographs. The session allows time for portraits of the kiddos and parents. This is the best choice for a family with a child under 6 months.
60 minutes
natural light studio or location 5 miles or less from the studio
up to 5 family members*
unlimited studio selects gallery, up to 10 photographs chosen for touch ups
$450 inclusive
Check out an example Classic Session at this link
*additional family members, pets, time and travel +5 miles can be added to the session through the booking calendar button below